Medicine Information

We provide information related to medicine and disease.Information like side effects, usage, price, compositions and generic name

Acitrom 1 Tablet

Acenocoumarol (1mg)

Type: allopathy
Azeflo Nasal Spray

Fluticasone Propionate (50mcg) + Azelastine (140mcg)

Type: allopathy
AB Phylline SR 200 Tablet

Acebrophylline (200mg)

Type: allopathy
Atorva 20 Tablet

Atorvastatin (20mg)

Type: allopathy
Amlokind-AT Tablet

Amlodipine (5mg) + Atenolol (50mg)

Type: allopathy
Acenac-P Tablet

Aceclofenac (100mg) + Paracetamol (325mg)

Type: allopathy
Aztolet 10 Tablet

Atorvastatin (10mg) + Clopidogrel (75mg)

Type: allopathy
Atarax Syrup

Hydroxyzine (10mg)

Type: allopathy
Aquazide 12.5 Tablet

Hydrochlorothiazide (12.5mg)

Type: allopathy
Ano Metrogyl Cream

Lidocaine (4% w/w) + Metronidazole (1% w/w) + Sucralfate (7% w/w)

Type: allopathy
Alerid Syrup

Cetirizine (5mg/5ml)

Type: allopathy
Ampoxin 500 Capsule

Ampicillin (250mg) + Cloxacillin (250mg)

Type: allopathy
Admenta 5 Tablet

Memantine (5mg)

Type: allopathy
Asthalin 4 Tablet

Salbutamol (4mg)

Type: allopathy
Augmentin 1000 Duo Tablet

Amoxycillin (875mg) + Clavulanic Acid (125mg)

Type: allopathy