Medicine Information

We provide information related to medicine and disease.Information like side effects, usage, price, compositions and generic name

Zucator 100 Tablet

Remogliflozin Etabonate (100mg)

Type: allopathy
Zukanorm 100mg Tablet SR

Vildagliptin (100mg)

Type: allopathy
Zofer MD 8 Tablet

Ondansetron (8mg)

Type: allopathy
Zoclar 500mg Tablet

Clarithromycin (500mg)

Type: allopathy
Zedocef 50mg Syrup

Cefpodoxime Proxetil (50mg)

Type: allopathy
Zeecold Z Tablet

Cetirizine (5mg) + Paracetamol (325mg) + Phenylephrine (5mg)

Type: allopathy
Zoryl M 3 Forte Tablet PR

Glimepiride (3mg) + Metformin (1000mg)

Type: allopathy
Zukanorm M 500 Tablet

Metformin (500mg) + Vildagliptin (50mg)

Type: allopathy
ZyKT Soap

Cetrimide (0.5% w/w) + Ketoconazole (2% w/w)

Type: allopathy
Zone 500 mg/500 mg Injection

Cefoperazone (500mg) + Sulbactam (500mg)

Type: allopathy
Zevert 24 SR Tablet

Betahistine (24mg)

Type: allopathy
Zenflox 400 Tablet

Ofloxacin (400mg)

Type: allopathy
Zytanix 5 Tablet

Metolazone (5mg)

Type: allopathy
Zoryl MV 2/0.3 Tablet SR

Glimepiride (2mg) + Metformin (500mg) + Voglibose (0.3mg)

Type: allopathy
Zymogesic Tablet

Bromelain (90mg) + Trypsin (48mg) + Rutoside (100mg)

Type: allopathy