Medicine Information

We provide information related to medicine and disease.Information like side effects, usage, price, compositions and generic name

Zukanorm M 1000 Tablet

Metformin (1000mg) + Vildagliptin (50mg)

Type: allopathy
Zifi 400 Tablet

Cefixime (400mg)

Type: allopathy
Zovirax 200 Tablet

Acyclovir (200mg)

Type: allopathy
Zonegran Tablet

Zonisamide (100mg)

Type: allopathy
Zifi Turbo 600 Tablet

Linezolid (600mg)

Type: allopathy
Zenoxa 450 Tablet

Oxcarbazepine (450mg)

Type: allopathy
Zenflox Suspension

Ofloxacin (50mg/5ml)

Type: allopathy
Zyrova 10 Tablet

Rosuvastatin (10mg)

Type: allopathy
Zady Readymix Oral Suspension

Azithromycin (100mg)

Type: allopathy
Zevert MD 24 Tablet

Betahistine (24mg)

Type: allopathy
Zoryl-MV 1 Tablet SR

Glimepiride (1mg) + Metformin (500mg) + Voglibose (0.2mg)

Type: allopathy
Zoryl MP 2 Tablet ER

Glimepiride (2mg) + Metformin (500mg) + Pioglitazone (15mg)

Type: allopathy
Zoladex 3.6 Injection

Goserelin acetate (3.6mg)

Type: allopathy
Zevert OD 48mg Tablet

Betahistine (48mg)

Type: allopathy
Zomelis Met 50mg/1000mg Tablet

Metformin (1000mg) + Vildagliptin (50mg)

Type: allopathy