Medicine Information

We provide information related to medicine and disease.Information like side effects, usage, price, compositions and generic name

Amifru 40 Tablet

Furosemide (40mg) + Amiloride (5mg)

Type: allopathy
Aciloc 300 Tablet

Ranitidine (300mg)

Type: allopathy
Augmentin DDS Suspension

Amoxycillin (400mg/5ml) + Clavulanic Acid (57mg/5ml)

Type: allopathy
Aztor 10 Tablet

Atorvastatin (10mg)

Type: allopathy
Azmarda 50mg Tablet

Sacubitril (24mg) + Valsartan (26mg)

Type: allopathy
A Kare Combipack

Mifepristone (200mg) + Misoprostol (200mcg)

Type: allopathy
Acitrom 2 Tablet

Acenocoumarol (2mg)

Type: allopathy
Amoxycillin 500mg Capsule

Amoxycillin (500mg)

Type: allopathy
Amaryl 1mg Tablet

Glimepiride (1mg)

Type: allopathy
Anxit 0.5 Tablet

Alprazolam (0.5mg)

Type: allopathy
Acivir Cream

Acyclovir (5% w/w)

Type: allopathy
Acivir 400 DT Tablet

Acyclovir (400mg)

Type: allopathy
AB-Flo-N Tablet

Acebrophylline (100mg) + Acetylcysteine (600mg)

Type: allopathy
Angispan - TR 2.5mg Capsule

Nitroglycerin (2.5mg)

Type: allopathy
Amlong Tablet

Amlodipine (5mg)

Type: allopathy